
The Death Penalty in the Greater Caribbean

gcflife…The paradox of the retentionist countries in the Caribbean is that since December 2008, when Charles Laplace of St Kitts and Nevis was hanged, there have been no What is the Mechanism? Here, Active component of herbal male enhancement supplements is a safe cialis canada online cure for reproductive disorders. In any case, do not alter your generic levitra canada without first consulting your doctor. It is simple to understand that due cheap viagra to exercise, the extra deposit of glucose in the bloody will decrease. As long as my homework was getting done my father took me to Longo’s a couple of nights a purchase levitra week. other executions in the region. Yet a core of countries strongly opposes abolition…

Presentation for the Thematic Hearing for 154th Session of Hearings before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – March 16, 2015


Archbishop Dufour rallies Jamaicans against death penalty

Archbishop  Charles Dufour of Kingston, Jamaica has urged Christians and other Jamaicans to work for the abolition of the death sentence, which he said was for a time when the world had no other options.
Speaking at an October 10 rally to mark World Day against the Death Penalty, Archbishop Dufour said while Jamaica had put a pause on hanging, it still hangs like a scepter over the heads of citizens. He acknowledged that brutal crimes, such as murder, must receive swift and decisive responses to restore order and begin to make Jamaicans feel safe again.
However, he believed that such a response showed disrespect for the sacredness of every human life.
The archbishop argued that the death penalty was for a world with no other options for dealing with what he described as these monstrous crimes. Archbishop Dufour said Christians should work for the abolition of the death penalty and comprehensive reform of the justice system.
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Press Release

The Greater Caribbean For Life embarks on a Speaking Tour

gcflifeLeela Ramdeen, Chair of The Greater Caribbean For Life (GCL), will commence a Speaking Tour from 3 October – 17 October to commemorate the 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty, which falls on 10 October. This year the theme is:Mental Health –   drawing attention to people with mental health problems who are at risk of a death sentence or execution.


GCL Executive Committee meets in Puerto Rico

gcflifeThe Executive Committee of the Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on 11 and 12 January 2014 to develop its strategic programmes to facilitate its campaign for the abolition of the Death Penalty in the Greater Caribbean region.


Saying ‘Thanks’

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.” (Alfred Painter)

On behalf of CCSJ, I would like to thank all those who helped to make our 4th Respect for Life Week a memorable one. Our theme this year was: Regenerating the Moral and Spiritual Values of our Society. Presentations such as Archbishop Harris’ and Dr Terrence Farrell’s – delivered at our opening Conference – will be uploaded on CCSJ’s website. DVDs of the Conference and of most of the panel discussions that took place across the country can be obtained from CCSJ’s Office (Tel: 290 1635).
