Press Release

The Greater Caribbean For Life embarks on a Speaking Tour

gcflifeLeela Ramdeen, Chair of The Greater Caribbean For Life (GCL), will commence a Speaking Tour from 3 October – 17 October to commemorate the 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty, which falls on 10 October. This year the theme is:Mental Health –   drawing attention to people with mental health problems who are at risk of a death sentence or execution.

She will be accompanied by:

–          Mr Renny Cushing, the founder and Executive Director of Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights, USA; and

–          Mr Juan Melendez, who spent nearly 18 years on death row in Florida, USA, for a crime he did not commit, before being exonerated in 2002.

Countries that form part of this Speaking Tour are: Antigua, Jamaica, St Lucia, Grenada, Barbados, and the Bahamas (Nassau). Members of GCL and a number of abolitionists in these countries are planning events to facilitate the Tour.

GCL is a non-sectarian, regional civil society organization that is striving to encourage retentionist countries in the Caribbean region to adopt non-lethal means of dealing with crime and violence. GCL was constituted on October 2, 2013, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, by abolitionist activists and organizations from twelve nations of the Greater Caribbean.

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Leela Ramdeen says: “While GCL condemns the rise of violent crime in our region and express solidarity and compassion with the victims of crime, we reject the notion that capital punishment acts as a deterrent or fosters respect for life in our communities.

“I have written to the Bishops and Archbishops in the 6 Countries included in the Tour and hope that they will encourage the Faithful to attend the events which are being planned and which will be publicised in their respective Countries.

“GCL has also written to the Prime Ministers of all English speaking Caribbean countries urging them to develop anti-crime strategies that address risk factors, and to act on the recommendations contained in the 2012 UNDP Human Development and the Shift to Better Citizen Security report – particularly the one that recommends that Governments in the region should provide a better balance between law enforcement and preventive measures – with a focus on preventive measures.”

Additional information, for example, GCL’s presentation brochure and Newsletters can be found on the organisation’s website: and on its Facebook page: .

For further information contact Leela Ramdeen on 299 8945 or via e-mail:

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