
Lenten Reflections 2012

Father in heaven, your servant, Pope Benedict XVI has asked the faithful during this lenten season  to show concern for each other – “from every point of view: physical, moral, and spiritual”. He urges us “not to remain silent before evil.” Grant us your grace to do as the Holy Father says, and “renew our journey of faith” during lent – “both as individuals and as a community, with the help of the word of God and the sacraments.”

Jesus, Prince of Peace, as we seek to revitalize our Catholic Culture and Identity, help us to remember that as Catholics we have a duty to take action to promote justice and to participate in transforming our communities and the world so that they will reflect Gospel values. Lord, as we come before you today, we pray for your forgiveness for the times when we ourselves have acted unjustly. Mold our consciences and lead us along the path of righteousness. Give us the grace to meet our responsibilities. Give us leaders who are committed to equity, justice, and unity. Fill them with wisdom so that they will lead wisely and build the common good.

Guide us, Lord, as we seek to build your Kingdom of justice, peace, truth, love and freedom in our troubled land and world. Give us courage and strength, Lord, to do your will; to oppose every form of injustice; to use the gifts you have given us to build just communities in which all your children can live in dignity and realise their potential as you intended.

Lord, help us to break down barriers that prevent us from growing in love, peace and harmony and from respecting each other. Father, our Scriptures tel us in Micah that what you ask of us is to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you, our God. Fill us with love for you, for our neighbour and for all your creation. Instill in our hearts morals and values that will help us to live holy, virtuous lives.


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Jesus, source of all that is good, help us to appreciate the many gifts that you have given to us and to share these equitably with our brothers and sisters. Help us to be mindful of our interdependence not only on each other, but on all creation. Grant us wisdom to use the earth’s resources wisely.


Heal our land, Lord, heal our world. Ease the suffering of those who are sick. Open our eyes and grant us a vision of a society/world that is inclusive. Inspire us to work without ceasing to build inclusive communities in which your children’s needs will be met – needs such as enough food, clean water, adequate health care, employment, and education, and no one will be discriminated against because of their ethnic origin, colour or religion. We resolve today to build strong families and to stand in solidarity with the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, the sick, the differently-abled, the elderly, the shut-ins, the powerless, the voiceless, the socially displaced, and the unborn.

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