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Social justice publication

Juliana Brint

I am writing to alert you to the recent publication of The Social Mission of the U.S. Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. Curran, a book that may be of interest to readers of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice blog.

How does the Church function in the world? What is it called to do, and what does it actually do? Charles E. Curran explores the social mission of the U.S. Catholic Church from a theological perspective, analyzing and assessing four aspects: the importance of social mission, who carries it out, how it is carried out, and the roles that the Church and individual Catholics play in supporting these efforts.

I have attached a press release about the The Social Mission of the U.S. Catholic Church and more information can be found at the Georgetown University Press’s website:

If you would like to receive a complimentary review copy of the book, please let me know.
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My thanks and best,
Juliana Brint
Publicity Assistant
Georgetown University Press

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