
TRIBUTE – Miss Mary Joyce Robinson

The following is the full tribute delivered by Leela Ramdeen at the September 27 funeral of Mary Joyce Robinson at St Paul’s RC Church, Couva.

Mary Joyce Robinson
Mary Joyce Robinson

Friends, today, 27 September, we say farewell to Miss Mary Joyce Robinson who left us for her heavenly home at 3:20 pm on  Wednesday September 19th, 2018 at the age of 74 years old.

Miss Robinson was  a woman of God; a Catholic woman who was made for mission. The vocation of each child of God is to be holy. However, as well as this general vocation, each one of us  has a unique, personal vocation. Our task is to discern this personal vocation and to fulfil it. Mary Joyce Robinson discerned her call and, like Our Lady, she said “Yes” to that call.

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