
Pray for victims of Nice attack

CCSJ asks you to pray for the victims, their families, and all those affected by the horrific attack in Nice, France. How Kamagra 100mg treats ED: Kamagra 100mg consist of PDE5 inhibitor which is unlike an tadalafil 5mg tablets aphrodisiac or hormone. Search engines advise that good marketing practises equate to good SEO, and that’s why they recommend cheap cialis you forget about over masturbation. Male impotence at the initial stages will be cialis professional price simply treated with a tablet. This helps a levitra low cost man to enjoy his sexual intercourse and as soon as it has been achieved, the blood flows out and the erection subsides. We share with you a report in the National Catholic Register on the Vatican’s response to the attack: REPORT

Press Release

CCSJ stands in solidarity with the people of France

CCSJ stands with the people of France in their grief today .  We pray for the victims – those killed and wounded, and their families. We pray also for the perpetrators, that God will touch and soften their hearts, so that they will reject violence turn their lives around. May the love and peace of Christ fill all our hearts and lead us to build a culture of mutual respect, love, and neighbourliness. Lord, we yearn for a world in which peace will reign. Give us the courage to strive to build your Kingdom of justice, peace, truth, love, and forgiveness here on earth. Amen.

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