
Our hope is in the risen Lord

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“Let us not keep our faces bowed to the ground in fear, but raise our eyes to the risen Jesus. His gaze fills us with hope, for it tells us that we are loved unfailingly, and that however much we make a mess of things, his love remains unchanged. This is the one, non-negotiable certitude we have in life: his love does not change.” (Pope Francis).

Yes, my friends, God is love and His love is demonstrated by His Son’s Resurrection. In this time of crisis, let us turn to the risen Lord. He is our hope, our light and our salvation.


Christ’s Resurrection – true hope for the world

The empty tomb
The empty tomb

Christ is risen, Alleluia! The blogger, Phil Newton, wrote: ‘9 ways Christ’s Resurrection gives us hope for today.’ Numbers 5 and 9 read: “The bodily resurrection motivates us to holy living. Fixing our hope on the future in Christ builds a deeper desire for pure, holy lives (1 John 3:1–3; 1 Cor 15:33–34, 58).”
