How I made a difference Uncategorized

How I made a difference: Poetry from a 10-year-old

The following poem was given to CCSJ’s Chair Leela Ramdeen by a 10 year old girl in London in May 2011.

by Cherisse Hawkins (10 years)

Somewhere in London
there’s a child all alone.
A shade of grey outside;
a world of colour in her heart.

Where is her mother?
Where is her father?
Nobody knows.

When did she have her last plate of food?

Question existing.

Innocent creature
unknown danger.

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She picks it up with
delicate fingers,
wishing she could read
the writing on it.

Cautiously she opens it.
Money! There is money in it
and a note that spells:
“F-o-r   y-o-u”.

Tears roll down her cheeks.
She can afford to buy food.
World of pure colour in her heart.
Money from a donor.
She is safe… for now.

