
Let us follow the Light

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

Today we observe the feast of the Epiphany. The word “Epiphany” means “manifestation” or “revelation.” At the heart of the story of the visit of the Magi is the manifestation of the incarnation to all of humanity. God so love the world that He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to save us.  “The Word was made flesh, he lived among us” (John 1:14). Jesus, the light of the World, was 100% human and 100% divine. He came to save, not just the people of Israel, but all of humanity.


Let justice and peace embrace

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
Peace is not the silent revolt of violent repression.
Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
It is right and it is duty.
(Archbishop Oscar Romero – 1917 -1980)

Today’s Psalm (84), is a prayer for peace: “Mercy and faithfulness have met, justice and peace have embraced…”

Our country and our world yearn for peace. As people of the Beatitudes; as a people of hope, Catholics believe that peace is possible.


Genuine dialogue the only path to peace

Mike James
by Mike James

The General Assembly of the UN meets from September in New York each year, when world leaders take the opportunity to address key issues for promoting world peace and development. This year in his address to the UN Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Vatican secretary for relations with states reminded the world’s nations that genuine dialogue is the only path to peace in the world, and particularly for resolving critical issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the total elimination of nuclear arms, and ethnic conflicts worldwide.
