
Let’s sign the Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair CCSJ & AMMR & Head Animator of Animators, Laudato Si’ Movement – TT Chapter

“We must open our hearts, believers and non-believers alike, to the right of all species to exist. All life, human and other than human, holds intrinsic value. Their right to thrive is not dependent on serving humanity but is a way to give glory to the Creator” (Petition).

I urge every Catholic to sign the Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition via this link:, and encourage friends, family, and others to sign it also.


Celebrating Laudato Si’ week

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“…in this time marked by the pandemic we are more aware of the importance of caring for our common home…Everything is connected. Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society(Pope Francis).

Laudato Si’ Week commences today (May 16–24). It honours the sixth anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si’ (LS), on care for our common home.


Celebrating Laudato Si’

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?” —Pope Francis.

In his one-minute video on March 3 when he announced Laudato Si’ Week, Pope Francis repeated the above question which he had asked in his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’: On the care of our common home.”
He said: “I renew my urgent call to respond to the ecological crisis. The cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor cannot continue. Let’s take care of creation, a gift of our good Creator God. Let’s celebrate Laudato Si’ Week together.”


Family life at risk due to climate change 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

On Wednesday, May 15, the world will celebrate the International Day of FamiliesThe 2019 theme is:  Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG13. The observance focuses on families, family policies and major Sustainable Development Goal 13 targets:

“SDG 13 target 13.3:

Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

SDG 13 target 13.2:

Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning” (UN).


Caring for Creation

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

“The ecological crisis is also a summons to profound interior conversion…Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience. (n 217, Laudato Si, On Care for our Common Home).

If we are committed to ecological conversion/healing our wounded creation, we must demonstrate that, as Pope Francis said, the effects of our encounter with Christ become evident in our relationship with the world around us.
