
Practise hospitality this Holy Week

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

“May Palm Sunday be a day of decision for you, the decision to say yes to the Lord and to follow Him all the way, the decision to make His Passover, His death and resurrection, the very focus of your Christian lives… The imitation of Christ’s love extended to each other is all that He asks. May this Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord inspire us to lay our coats at the feet of one another.” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2012)

Today, Palm Sunday, as we commence our journey with our Lord during Holy Week, to His passion, death and resurrection, let us reflect on Pope Benedict’s words above. If Christ is the focus of our Christian lives, we will demonstrate this in our thoughts, words and actions. In his homily, he reminded us: “…in this Holy Week the Lord Jesus will renew the greatest gift we could possibly imagine: He will give us His life, His body and His blood, His love. But we must respond worthily to so great a gift, that is to say, with the gift of ourselves, our time, our prayer, our entering into a profound communion of love with Christ who suffered, died and rose for us.”

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Return to Hospitality

Cover of Pastoral Letter

Pastoral Letter to the Catholic faithful and to all people of goodwill for the holy season of Lent 

In those ole time days, we lived in relative peace and harmony, a far cry from the situation that we live in today. We blame each other, the police, the home and school but we have refused, as Trinbagonians, to return to the values which sustained our forefathers and which have the potential to sustain us. As we in the Catholic Communion approach the season of Lent, I take the opportunity to speak with you about one of these values, the value of hospitality. Click here to download
