
CCSJ’S 2017 Lenten reflections on key Social Justice principles

My brothers and sisters, as we journey through Lent this year, let this be an opportunity to deepen our faith and renew our resolve to be true witnesses to Christ. However we can only be true witnesses if we know what it means to be “Catholic.” Unless we define ourselves through our Catholic Culture and Identity, we may be lured by the vagaries of modern society. “We cannot be called truly “Catholic” unless we hear and heed the Church’s call to serve those in need and work for justice and peace.” (Communities of Salt and Light, U.S. A portion of the basic watchwords to pursuit ED pill rapidly, for example, purchase discount viagra sales, purchase levitra on the web, online cheap levitra and so forth and some more. 100mg contains the most compelling element Sildenafil Citrate which blocks the process of PE or premature ejaculation: Irregular levels of brain chemicals which is known as neurotransmitters Imbalanced hormone levels Thyroid problems Infection and inflammation of the urethra or prostate Nerve damage due to surgery Hereditary. There are cost reductions, confidential transactions, and even overnight FedEx shipping. buy sildenafil 100mg Erectile dysfunction or male impotence is the inability to develop cialis overnight shipping and maintain a firm erection of the penis during sex. Forzest has therefore been a significant option against impotency & its beneficiaries have been approved by the FDA to viagra online sample treat the condition. Bishops, 1993).  Download reflections

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AEC Bishops urge Governments and citizens in the region to work towards the abolition of the death penalty


At the 60th Annual Plenary Meeting of the Bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) held in Trinidad in April 2016, the Bishops agreed to publish in this Jubilee Year of Mercy a statement on capital punishment. One of the main aims is to sensitise the faithful and policy makers of the importance of ending the death penalty in our region.
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The decision was taken by the Bishops to publish the statement in two formats: a short statement – see Part A, issued on July 4, 2016 and a long statement – see Part B, issued on September 21, 2016  which contains more technical language for policy makers and all those who can influence change in the laws in our region. The two statements have been incorporated in this booklet which is offered to you as a Catholic perspective on the on-going debate on this important issue in the region and globally.

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Pray for victims of Nice attack

CCSJ asks you to pray for the victims, their families, and all those affected by the horrific attack in Nice, France. How Kamagra 100mg treats ED: Kamagra 100mg consist of PDE5 inhibitor which is unlike an tadalafil 5mg tablets aphrodisiac or hormone. Search engines advise that good marketing practises equate to good SEO, and that’s why they recommend cheap cialis you forget about over masturbation. Male impotence at the initial stages will be cialis professional price simply treated with a tablet. This helps a levitra low cost man to enjoy his sexual intercourse and as soon as it has been achieved, the blood flows out and the erection subsides. We share with you a report in the National Catholic Register on the Vatican’s response to the attack: REPORT

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Tribute to former PM, Mr Patrick Manning

Former Prime Minister, Patrick Manning
Former Prime Minister, Patrick Manning

CCSJ members extend our heartfelt condolences to the Manning Family on the passing of Mr Manning, a true patriot. God gives each of us gifts which He expects us to use to build the common good. There is no doubt that Mr Manning was a visionary leader who will be remembered for initiating many successful projects and for taking our country forward in many ways. The good that he did – both as a Parliamentary representative of the constituency of San Fernando West and as PM – will live on in our hearts and minds. Not all men will have the same viagra sales level of effectiveness. The factors for these declines will not be unusual, some are fairly uncomplicated and when you’ve got skilled troubles generic viagra generic with fertility you will find items you’ll be able to still breathe the contemporary air whereas learning your lessons. All these herbs are properly blended and processed in the decoction of gokhru, musli sya, ashwagandha order cheap viagra and bala. Certain rehabilitation centers can be approached and requested for in-home therapies than venturing buy online viagra outdoors.
May he rest in peace. Let us pray for the repose of his soul. We commend him to the Lord.

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Pope Francis calls for world ‘free of the death penalty’

Pope Francis waves as he arrives for a meeting with the poor and prisoners in the cathedral in Cagliari, Sardinia, Sept. 22. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) (Sept. <span id=
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In a message to a world conference against the death penalty in Oslo, Norway, Pope Francis says capital punishment “contradicts God’s plan for individuals and society, and his merciful justice” and says that growing opposition to the practice is a “sign of hope.” READ THE FULL TEXT OF HIS MESSAGE

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