
Prayer offered at IRO Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving

Fr Martin Sirju
Fr Martin Sirju

Prayer said by Fr Martin Sirju at the Inter Religious Organisation’s Annual Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving held on Sunday 1 Sept. CCSJ’s Chair was among those who attended the event which was held at the Raja Yoga Centre in San Fernando.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord,

To him be highest glory and praise forever.”


Lord God, we thank you for all your works: for creating the world and the cosmos;

for the animals, plants and vegetation, and most of all, for creating us

in your own image and likeness, and making us stewards of creation.

We thank you we have no history of religious or ethnic wars,

and in crucial times you keep us together in a spirit of solidarity.

We thank you for all the good people of our land who still believe

there is a right way and a wrong way.


Forgive us when we forget the environment, when in our haste for development

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Forgive us for the continued wastage of life in violent crime, including the lives of many teenagers, gunned down long before their prime; forgive us for our penchant for

while collar crime and for dishonest, profligate enrichment; for laziness and tardiness.


On this our 51st Anniversary of our Independence, guard us against

the dangers of the tribe and the clan.

Enable our leaders in various sectors, irrespective of race, religion, or

political affiliation, to work together for the common good, for the stability of the nation.

Help us to treat persons and communities according to their needs.

And in this spiritual desert in which we live, with only a veneer of spirituality,

help us dig deeper to find our souls, our spiritual past and present,

that Divine Axis around which our lives should revolve.

Help us to be God-centred, Human-centred, and Creation-centred

once again so that we may renew our lives and country.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you Father, and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.

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