
Govt must help ‘correct’ youth

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

Clinical therapist/ trauma specialist and CEO of the Centre for Human Development, Hanif E Benjamin, said recently:  “The country has become a very cold and uncaring one… We are not taking charge in protecting our children, the most vulnerable. We are not treating the children like our future… we need to say to ourselves we are the responsible ones, our children cannot protect themselves, they are not just a mother’s or a father’s responsibility, but a society’s responsibility…there are families in crisis and there is no proper support system in place” (Newsday, June 20).


Essay for CCSJ’s Respect For Life Week Competition: 14-19 category

Ottrisha Carter
Ottrisha Carter

Nineteen year old Ottrisha Carter from Coryal won the Essay Competition in the over 14 category. On being told of her successful entry, she immediately donated her prize money to the Archbishop’s Cathedral Appeal. CCSJ thanks her for her generosity. The following is her essay:


Essay for CCSJ’s Respect for Life Week Competition – under 14

Over the past few years CCSJ has organized a competition linked to Respect for Life Week for under14 year-olds and 14-19 year olds. The Theme for the Competition this year was: “What are the core Christian values that guide you on your life’s journey?” CCSJ would like to thank those who submitted essays in response to this competition. 


Go youth! Become catalysts of a new world

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

Tomorrow my father, Balgobin Ramdeen, will be 88 years old. Happy Birthday, Pa!  In preparation for CCSJ’s next Ask Why TV programme (see TCN Channel 10 on July 23), Pa and I have been discussing the theme: Youth and Social Justice. He told me a story about how, even as a young boy, he took action against injustice. 


Engaging Youth at Risk

At a sitting of the House of Representatives on Friday March 25, 2013 the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago laid as a Paper the Report of a Committee chaired by Prof. Selwyn Ryan entitled Both Tadalafil & generico cialis on line are known on the streets as the “weekend pill”. Availability of Kamagra The medicine is available in all countries around india viagra online the world. The most common side effects of these medicines include headache, dizziness, nasal congestion, impaired vision, photophobia, and indigestion to name a few. order viagra online Men who are already consuming these tablets accomplish all the pleasure and desired love from the victim’s life due to the negative effects of this drug.People who have serious liver and kidney issues or oblige dialysis Retinitis pigmentosa, an uncommon hereditary (runs in families) eye sickness Severe vision misfortune, including a condition called NAION Stomach ulcers or any types of bleeding problems levitra uk or, if you are taking any other medicines.Never take this medication. “No Time to Quit: Engaging Youth at Risk.” The report examines the causes of crime among youth in Trinidad and Tobago and makes recommendations for reducing these crimes.

