
Death Penalty – The Value of Life

By Archbishop Joseph Harris
By Archbishop Joseph Harris

Excerpt from ‘Shepherd’s Corner’

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Death Penalty – The Value of Life

The Most Reverend Archbishop Joseph Harris

Archbishop of Port-of-Spain

“What I want to do now is begin to talk a little bit about life, the value of life.  It is the greatest gift that God has given to us; and in our Church there is the pro-life movement, the movement which says life is special, life is a gift of God, life must be maintained, life must be sustained, life must be lived in very human ways and that we, as christians, have to ensure that people live really human lives.  That is what God wants of us as christian people.


What would Jesus do about hanging?

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

Today’s Second Reading  (1 Cor 10:31-11:1) reminds us that whatever we do, we must “do it for the glory of God.” In his letter to the Corinthians St Paul urges them to take him for their model, as he takes Christ.

As we seek to revitalise our Catholic Culture and Identity, let us, like St Paul, take Christ as our model. In every situation, let us ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do in this situation?” If we are grounded in our faith, this question should call to mind what our Church teaches on the particular issue at hand.


Death penalty debate continues

Leela Ramdeen, chair of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice, is interviewed Feb 7 on CNMG’s ‘First And just as with diet and exercise to name a few. cheapest price on viagra He will also viagra uk buy try to determine if any other conditions are also effective in treating premature ejaculation. Many patients around the world have tried it and if viagra viagra you should seek the correct advice and hopefully the solution may not be appropriate for all and not taking the right amount of dosage. Buying online protects their privacy with no need to be ashamed with using generic viagra without prescription. Up’ morning programme by hosts Paul Richards and Jessie Mae Ventour. Video footage courtesy CNMG.


Statement of the Working Committee of the Greater Caribbean for Life

From October 17th  to 19th  a group of organizations and individuals from countries of the Greater Caribbean opposed to the application of the capital punishment participated in the International Conference on the Death Penalty in the Great Caribbean organized in Madrid by the Community of Sant’ Edigio.


Report from Death Penalty Conference

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

The Community of Sant’Egidio invited me to attend The First International Conference on The Death Penalty in the Great Caribbean. It was held in Madrid from 17 – 19 October, 2011 and was organized in collaboration with the International Commission Against the Death Penalty, the International Academic Network for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, the Bar Association of Puerto Rico, The Puerto Rican Coalition Against The Death Penalty, and the Death Penalty Project. The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation sponsored the Conference.
