Press Release

A call for more humane living conditions for death row inmates

The Catholic Commission for Social Justice (CCSJ) & The Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) call for more humane living conditions for those on death row

CCSJ and GCL call for more humane living conditions for those on death row.  On 10 October 2018 abolitionists around the world will observe the 16th World Day Against the Death Penalty. This year, the World Day will focus on the living conditions of those sentenced to death.

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Pride in our Republic

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

On September 24 we celebrated the 42nd anniversary of T&T’s gaining Republican status. On the evening of Wednesday, September 19, I attended a gala concert, titled ‘A Cultural Exchange Experience’, by the renowned Chinese traditional orchestra of the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theatre, and the National Steel Symphony Orchestra of Trinidad and Tobago, at NAPA.

Before the performances commenced, the National Anthems of China and of T&T were played. Standing in front of me was a Chinese couple who sang lustily when both anthems were played. I was reminded of the pride that many of us whose forebears came to T&T have in our diverse heritage.

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TRIBUTE – Miss Mary Joyce Robinson

The following is the full tribute delivered by Leela Ramdeen at the September 27 funeral of Mary Joyce Robinson at St Paul’s RC Church, Couva.

Mary Joyce Robinson
Mary Joyce Robinson

Friends, today, 27 September, we say farewell to Miss Mary Joyce Robinson who left us for her heavenly home at 3:20 pm on  Wednesday September 19th, 2018 at the age of 74 years old.

Miss Robinson was  a woman of God; a Catholic woman who was made for mission. The vocation of each child of God is to be holy. However, as well as this general vocation, each one of us  has a unique, personal vocation. Our task is to discern this personal vocation and to fulfil it. Mary Joyce Robinson discerned her call and, like Our Lady, she said “Yes” to that call.

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Progress on Parish Ministries for Migrants and Refugees

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

“The Church is ever mindful that Jesus Christ was himself a refugee, that as a child he had to flee with his parents from his native land in order to escape persecution. In every age, therefore, the Church feels herself called to help refugees.” – St Pope John Paul II, 1981.

Today, let’s reflect on the progress that is being made in parishes to launch/implement a Parish Ministry for Migrants and Refugees.

The Committee that Archbishop Jason established in May—the Archdiocesan Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR), has been working diligently to support parishes as they launch their Parish Ministries for Migrants and Refugees (PMMR), seeking to strengthen the capacity of Catholics in our Archdiocese and by extension, the wider community, to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants and refugees in T&T.

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Bishop ‘Syd’ RIP

Bishop Sydney Charles
Bishop Sydney Charles

The funeral for Trinidad-born Bishop Emeritus Sydney Charles will take place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in St George’s-in-Grenada, September 28.

Bishop Charles, the third bishop of St George’s died 3.45 a.m. Tuesday, September 4 at the general hospital where he had been for the past week after his health began to fail. He was 92 years. May he rest in peace.
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Four years ago Bishop Charles approached a milestone – 60 years as a priest.

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