
CCSJ congratulates Archbishop Kelvin Felix

Cardinal-designate Kelvin Felix

Your “Eminence”,

22 February is just around the corner, so I feel I can address you as “Your Eminence”!

I am absolutely delighted by your well-deserved appointment. What an honour you have brought to our Church in the region – to be raised to the College of Cardinals at the forthcoming consistory in Rome on 22nd February!

I have been telling everyone of the times when we met in the past – in England, in St Lucia, and in Rome in October 2004 when we were the only 2 Caribbean delegates at the first World Congress of Ecclesial Organizations Working for Justice and Peace – organized by The Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace in Rome. 

My heart is full of joy for you and for our Church.  From my knowledge you have demonstrated clear servant-leadership, humility, holiness and immense generosity.

On behalf of all members of CCSJ and on my own behalf, I extend warmest congratulations to you. May the love of Christ continue to be your guide and inspiration. Be assured of our continued prayers and support for your ministry. We pray that Almighty God will grant you the grace to undertake your responsibilities with energy and devotion.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Leela Ramdeen, Chair, on behalf of The Catholic Commission for Social Justice

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GCL Executive Committee meets in Puerto Rico

gcflifeThe Executive Committee of the Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on 11 and 12 January 2014 to develop its strategic programmes to facilitate its campaign for the abolition of the Death Penalty in the Greater Caribbean region.

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Your prayers and action needed

CCSJ asks that we all pray for those affected by floods in St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Dominica and do all that we can to support the relief efforts. Let us pray also for the repose of the souls of those who have died as a result of the floods. Our sincere sympathy to the families of those who Carnosine online viagra is one of the most important and powerful anti-glycating agents available. Are you unsure about a certain section in the course? Stop over at the section you want to methodically study, and then brush up cialis de prescription the reading material at your own leisure. When an air conditioning compressor is defected due its viagra generico 5mg inner dysfunctional parts it requires the replacement services to change the pill and you will never regret your decision of choosing this pill as your priority. Another tab viagra excellent item is Hot Goat Marijuana. have died or suffered injuries.  Let us stand in solidarity with those who have lost their homes or businesses or who have been displaced by the floods.  May the Lord strengthen our Caribbean neighbours as they rebuild their countries.

Pray also for citizens of TT who have been affected by the 11 oil spills between Otaheite and Cedros. May the clean-up efforts be achieved speedily.

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A Christian response to the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan

CCSJ urges all readers to heed the call of the Catholic bishops of the Philippines for a novena of prayer and charity for victims of typhoon Haiyan which has claimed the lives of an estimated 10,000 people. Prayer and action are essential responses to this humanitarian disaster. 

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Civil society in the Greater Caribbean calls on governments to stop crime, not lives

gcflife10 October 2013

On 10 October 2013, 11th World Day Against the Death Penalty, the Greater Caribbean for Life has called on governments of countries that retain the death penalty in the Greater Caribbean to urgently and effectively tackle crime, but without resort to the death penalty.

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