
Education as a human right

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind” (UNESCO).

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Today, January 24,  is the third International Day of Education. It will be marked on Monday, January 25. The theme this year is: Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation.

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What do you want?

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

After the recent insurrection and assault on the Capitol, the seat of Democracy in the United States, I have been reading some of the articles in the media, including the UK Tablet, the International Catholic News weekly, about the role that Catholics have played in the hype that led to the events on  January 6.

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Hear the cry of the elderly

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“We are asking people, stop seeing bad things happen and remaining quiet” —ASP Claire Guy-Alleyne, Head of the Gender-Based Violence Unit, T&T Police Service

Some of the most harrowing scenes I saw on TV at the close of 2020 were the conditions in a Tunapuna home in which a 92-year-old woman lived. As the Trinidad & Tobago Guardian reported: “The house…resembled a dump, with huge piles of garbage dominating the entire property, including the bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom areas.”
Thanks to Latoya Greaves, the elderly woman was finally treated at a hospital for open wounds on her legs and taken to a safe house.

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