
Use digital media for the common good – Mar 23

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

“We proclaim Christ in the way we behave in the digital realm, and the Holy Father’s message echoes the importance of seeking the face of Christ across all mediums.” (Bishop Peter Ingham, Chair, Australian Catholic Media Council)

The quotation above by Bishop Ingham refers to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s powerful message for the 47th World Communications Sunday, May 2013, in which he reminds us that: “The digital environment is not a parallel or purely virtual world, but is part of the daily experience of many people, especially the young…in the digital world there are social networks which offer our contemporaries opportunities for prayer, meditation, and sharing the word of God.”  If we are to be “true heralds and witnesses of the Gospel”; if we are to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mk 16:15), we must find ways of using communications technology effectively.

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Witnessing to the Lord

CCSJ Chair Leela Ramdeen and the students of St Joseph’s Convent, San Fernando, with the International Women’s Day mural they created on March 8.
CCSJ Chair Leela Ramdeen and the students of St Joseph’s Convent, San Fernando, with the International Women’s Day mural they created on March 8.

Today’s Gospel (Matthew 17:1-8 – The Transfiguration) is particularly instructive. As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is God’s Son, “the Beloved” who enjoys God’s favour. The challenge for us, though, is to do as God told Peter, James and his brother John: “Listen to Him.”

Note Jesus’ response when he saw these three disciples with their faces on the ground – lying in fear at the sound of God’s voice. We too must feel Jesus’ gentle touch, particularly during Lent, as He urges us to: “Stand up, do not be afraid.” How many of you sang the lyrics of Machel’s song, “Ah come out tuh live mih life”? I urge you to come out and live your life as true followers of Christ. Do not be afraid! 

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Reflections for Lent

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

During this Lenten season, let us find time to reflect on whether, as followers of Christ, we are living as people of the Beatitudes. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy should be uppermost in our minds as we seek to live the Gospel. Reflect also on the words of our Holy Father in his Lenten Message for 2014.

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Bishop Charles approaches milestone

Bishop Emeritus Charles
Bishop Emeritus Charles

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI

“We are all sent to do God’s work but we must allow ourselves to be like a pencil in His hands if He is to use us effectively” – Bishop Emeritus Sydney A Charles.

On Sunday, May 18, 2014, Bishop Emeritus of St George’s in Grenada Sydney Anicetus Charles will celebrate 60 years of ordination to the priesthood at a Mass at St Joseph’s RC Church, St Joseph, at 10.00 a.m.
Archbishop Joseph Harris will be the main celebrant. Cardinal Kelvin Felix and Papal Nuncio Archbishop Nicola Girasoli will also be present.  The theme that Bishop Emeritus Charles has chosen is The Almighty has done great things for me, Holy is His name.  

I am honoured to be part of the Planning Committee, which comprises mainly members of his family. Other members are Peter and Clare Charles, Fr Benedict Hilaire, Sr Phyllis Wharfe SJC, Fr Matthew D’Hereaux, Fr Karol Wielgosz, OP, Nicole Alexis Charles, Vernon Khelawan, and Gerard Pemberton.
We also plan to publish a booklet about Bishop Emeritus Charles’ life and of his service to both T&T and Grenada.  

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Pray for our new Cardinals

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI

I thank God for sending us the 19 cardinals who were appointed by Pope Francis at the February 22 public Consistory at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  The Consistory was held on the Feast of the Chair of St Peter.

As you know, among those now joining the College of Cardinals are two persons from our region: Archbishop Emeritus of Castries Kelvin Edward Felix, 81, born in Dominica, the first Cardinal in the English-speaking Caribbean; and Bishop Chibly Langlois of Les Cayes, 55 years, the first Haitian Cardinal who, when he was asked about his ‘elevation’ said:  “It is not exactly the title that interests me, but rather the service.”

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