
Men and Women of the Bible: Adam

by Nadine Bushell, member of the CCSJ
by Nadine Bushell, member of the CCSJ

We long for more when we have enough – We commit the sin of discontent in the midst of plenty

We all fall prey to wanting more than what we have and even when we appear to have it all we are discontented. Adam the first human creation represents this. We are all familiar with Adam’s story in the bible. Adam was created perfect by God. He was in harmony with nature. He was the happy caretaker of the Garden of Eden. God told him he was free to eat from any tree in the garden, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil, otherwise he would die.

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Volunteers, the Christian face of society

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

Without voluntary work the common good and society cannot last long because their progress and dignity is largely dependent on people who do more than just their duty.” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2010).

The Holy Father said to Austrian volunteers last year, “Volunteers are not just there to patch up holes in the social fabric,” they help to form “the human and Christian face of society.” Let’s nurture a culture of volunteerism in T&T/the world. CCSJ’s July Newsletter highlights examples of people in our Archdiocese who engage in a variety of charitable activities.

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Congratulations to two good and faithful servants

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

It is important for us to remember that we are all baptised to be prophets, priests and kings and that like Jesus we fulfil our prophetic ministry, not simply by what we say but much more by the ways in which we remind those around us that the forces of evil will not triumph, that God indeed has the last word.” (Coadjutor Archbishop, Joseph Harris, Sunday Reflection, June 6, 2010).

On behalf of CCSJ, I would like to congratulate Fr Joe Harris CSSp. and Msgr Jason Gordon on their appointments as Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain and Bishop of the dioceses of Bridgetown, Barbados and of Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines respectively.

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HIV: Positive Health, Dignity & Prevention

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

Pope Benedict XVI’s general prayer intention for July is: “That Christ may ease the physical and spiritual sufferings of those who are sick with AIDS, especially in the poorest countries.”

Following my participation as a panellist during the Regional Consultation held in T&T in March 2011 on “Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support “(see CCSJ’s website), I was invited to attend a two-day Regional Consultation in the Dominican Republic (DR) in June on the theme: “Putting Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention into action in the Caribbean region”. 

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Men and Women of the Bible: Abigail

Women must show their strength and successfully confront injustice: Women should not hide their strengths in an effort to be acceptable

by Nadine Bushell, member of the CCSJ
by Nadine Bushell, member of the CCSJ

By Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice

For many of us Social Justice focusses on issues that are dealt with at the community, national or international level. We think of issues like human rights, poverty and human trafficking. We think we must do big things and act in a collective way to address social justice issues. However, as individuals in our daily interactions with others we can apply social justice principles or make a difference in the lives of others that impact on social justice in a meaningful way.

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