
Panel discussion for World Day against the Death Penalty

The public is invited to a panel discussion on World Day against the Death Penalty. The Theme this year is: Children: Unseen victims of the death penalty.

The event will take place on Thursday October 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Church of the Assumption Parish Hall, 70 Long Circular Road, Maraval. ENTRY IS FREE.

It is being organised by the Catholic Commission for Social Justice; the Greater Caribbean for Life; and RED Initiatives; and supported by the Delegation of the European Union to T&T; the Faculty of Law, UWI, St Augustine Campus; and Amnesty International.

The Moderator will be Prof. Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, Dean, Faculty of Law, UWI, St Augustine Campus. The keynote speaker will be Ambassador Aad Biesebrook, The Delegation of the EU to T&T. Other panellists will be:

  • Mrs Rhonda Gregoire-Roopchan, Deputy Director, Care Services, Children’s Authority
  • Mr Gerard Wilson, Commissioner of Prisons
  • Mr Alloy Youk See, PRO, Social Workers’ Association and former Senior Prison Officer
  • Mr Andrew Douglas, Lifer, Maximum Security Prison, Arouca
  • Ms Leela Ramdeen, Chair, Catholic Commission for Social Justice & Member of the Greater Caribbean for Life.

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Following a 30-minute Q&A session, light refreshments will be served.

The World Coalition against the Death Penalty states that “Today, 142 countries are abolitionist in law or practice…

Frequently forgotten, children of parents sentenced to death or executed carry a heavy emotional and psychological burden that can amount to the violation of their human rights. This trauma can occur at any and all stages of the capital punishment of a parent: arrest, trial, sentencing, death row stays, execution dates, execution itself, and its aftermath. The repeated cycles of hope and disappointment that can accompany all these stages can have a long-term impact, occasionally well into adulthood.

“Stigmatization from the community in which they live and the loss of a parent at the hands of a state all reinforce deep instability in the child’s day to day life. In line with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (20 November 1989), the focus of this World Day is on children and their human rights.

“The experience of having a parent sentenced to death affects each child differently, including children within the same family, depending on factors like their personality and circumstances, the reactions of those around them, and the wider public response to the situation, including the scrutiny of media coverage…

” In international human rights law, it is a well-established principle that the best interest of the child should be a paramount consideration in any decision that impacts a child. It is therefore necessary to consider how a parent’s death sentence will impact the child and to take this into account when deciding on sentencing, commutation and pardon…

“In 2013, the UN Human Rights Council adopted resolution 24/11, in which it ‘acknowledges the negative impact of a parent’s death sentence and his or her execution on his or her children’ and urges States ‘to provide these children with the protection and assistance they may require’. And in 2018, the Human Rights Committee’s general comment No.36 made an explicit recommendation for States not to execute parents of young and dependent children: ‘States parties … should … refrain from executing parents to very young or dependent children.’”

For further information contact Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ on 299 8945 or O’Leo Lokai, RED Initiatives on 776 8069.

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