

Soufra documentary
Soufra documentary

Friends, please support this worthy initiative. I am Chair of the Catholic Archdiocese of Port of Spain’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) and we will be screening a documentary entitled: ‘Soufra’, on Tuesday, June 18 at 7.30 p.m. at Movietowne, POS. Tickets cost $150 TT.

This is a fundraiser to support our work with Migrants and Refugees in parishes in T&T. Please call me on 299-8945 if you wish to purchase tickets. There will be a panel discussion to facilitate interaction at the end of the screening.

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Please note that Rhonda Maingot and Rochelle Nakhid, Living Water Community, are members of AMMR and are involved in this initiative.

We need all hands on deck to meet the needs of our citizens, as well as the needs of those who have arrived on our shores from more than 30 different countries. Integral human development is inclusive, so let’s leave no one behind. Please share this post with your family and friends and join us if you can on Tuesday, June 18.

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