
GCL Executive Committee meets in Puerto Rico

gcflifeThe Executive Committee of the Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on 11 and 12 January 2014 to develop its strategic programmes to facilitate its campaign for the abolition of the Death Penalty in the Greater Caribbean region. Members of the Executive comprise individuals from the English speaking and Spanish speaking Caribbean countries:

–         Leela Ramdeen, Chair

–         Carmelo Campos-Cruz, Deputy Chair

–         Mariana Nogales Molinelli, Secretary

–         Nicole Sylvester, Deputy Secretary

–         Fenella Wenham, Treasurer

–         Dr Lloyd Barnett, Member

–         Mario Polanco, Member

All the Executive Members were present except Ms Sylvester who was unavoidably absent due the devastating floods in St Vincent & the Grenadines.

Also in attendance were a few observers from a number of human rights organizations.

At the commencement of the meeting, GCL members expressed their empathy with the peoples of Dominica, St Vincent & the Grenadines, and St Lucia who suffered as a result of the recent floods and called upon the people of the Caribbean, in particular, to give full support and encouragement to the bereaved persons and to those who have been affected by the floods.

Members welcomed Mrs. Lysiane Darnat, a consultant who is assisting GCL in the formulation of its plans and work programme.

GCL was formally constituted on 2 October 2013 following an International Conference on the death penalty in the Greater Caribbean, which was held in Port of Spain, Trinidad on 1 October 2013. That Conference involved a number of regional and international organizations as well as activists in the region. This was the first formal meeting of the Executive Committee since the organization was constituted.

The ultimate goal of the GCL is to achieve the permanent abolition of the death penalty in each and every country of the Greater Caribbean as well as the creation of a culture of respect for the human right to life and the inherent dignity of all human beings.

Interim goals include:

–         achieving a Moratorium on the use of the death penalty in the region; and

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GCL condemns:

–          the rise of violent crime in the region;

–          the expressions of a Bahamian Minister of Government who called for public hanging and condemns also declarations made by certain Ministers of Religion who are in favour of the resumption of executions;

–          the trend that has been manifested in some countries to reverse the principles of Pratt and Morgan and to exclude the jurisdiction of the Courts on death penalty matters.

GCL stands in solidarity with the victims of violent crime but reject the notion that the killing of human beings will foster respect for life in our countries.

GCL is committed to promoting peace, respect for life, and good neighbourliness as appropriate methods of reducing crime in the Greater Caribbean region. This provides a more durable and effective solution than the taking of life. Let’s stop crime, not lives.


LEELA RAMDEEN:  (Tel: +1868 299 8945) (Trinidad & Tobago)

CAMELO CAMPOS CRUZ: (Tel: +1 787 648 5624) (Puerto Rico)

MARIANA NOGALES MOLINELLI: (Tel: +1 787 3756787) (Puerto Rico)

NICOLE SYLVESTER: (Tel: +1784 456 1523)  (St Vincent & the Grenadines)

FENELLA WENHAM: (Tel: +1767 225 8612) (The Commonwealth of Dominica)

DR LLOYD BARNETT: (Tel: +876 922 3728) (Jamaica)

MARIO POLANCO: (Tel: +502 421 22440) (Guatemala).

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