
A Christian response to the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan

CCSJ urges all readers to heed the call of the Catholic bishops of the Philippines for a novena of prayer and charity for victims of typhoon Haiyan which has claimed the lives of an estimated 10,000 people. Prayer and action are essential responses to this humanitarian disaster. 
Typhoon Haiyan, which made land fall on Friday November 8, affected millions of people across the Philippines and displaced at least 600,000 persons. More than 10,000 are estimated to have died.
Let us stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters there whose lives have been affected by the devastation caused by this typhoon and donate via the various organisations that are collecting for the relief efforts e.g. CAFOD, Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services, the Red Cross, UNICEF, World Food Programme, Save the Children, Habitat for Humanity, World Vision and so on.

Let us pray that God will touch the hearts of world leaders and, indeed, all of us, to respond urgently to the needs of those affected.

The Catholic church will play a vital role in responding to the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, says CAFOD, as it launches an urgent appeal for funds to support the work of its church partners in the Philippines.

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In a country where 80 per cent of people are Catholic, CAFOD is working with Caritas Philippines and its American sister charity, Catholic Relief Services, to provide the most urgently needed aid: food, emergency shelter and essential household goods –– like pots, pans, blankets and cooking equipment – for people who have lost everything. With water supplies disrupted in many areas, the agency is also planning to provide clean water and sanitation to prevent the spread of disease.
In the longer term, CAFOD will help people to rebuild their homes and to make a living again. Because of the scale of the flooding and because roads have been blocked, some parts of the country remain difficult to reach – but the agency’s Church partners are rapidly reaching out to the worst hit and most remote areas affected.

No time to waste
CAFOD Director Chris Bain said: “However distressing the images of devastation and stories of suffering caused by Typhoon Haiyan, we cannot waste time on despair or shock – not when there are still lives to be saved, and communities in such desperate need of help.
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“We are launching our emergency appeal in response to the hundreds of schools, parishes and individuals up and down the country who have contacted us to ask: ‘What can we do?’, showing the generosity and compassion that is always the hallmark of the Catholic community in times of crisis.
“The best way we can all help is by supporting the charities and church groups who are already operating in the worst hit areas, responding to their immediate needs for food, water and shelter, beginning the hard work of rebuilding the communities that have lost everything, and keeping them constantly in our prayers. Together, we can bring new hope to those who today face utter desolation.”

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