
‘Accounting For Our Stewardship’ – CCSJ AGM report 2011

On Wednesday July 11, CCSJ held its 9th AGM covering the period Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2011. Leela Ramdeen, Chair of CCSJ, says: “Members of CCSJ wish to thank God for allowing us to serve for another year in His vineyard.  We are mindful that in seeking to build a just society we face many challenges in TT and in the world today. But as the Body of Christ on Earth, we go forth daily, assured that with God’s Grace we will meet and overcome these challenges. Our Church has a vision and a mission. Despite these, you can consult the doctor, make sure that you are not having any kind of heart related episode like heart attacks or stroke* Under treatment for medications that contain nitrates* Blood cell disorder* Penile deformities* Bleeding disorder* Under treatment for medications to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension* Blood cell disorder How do medications of sildenafil buy can interact sometimes under the following scenarios* If. cheap viagra in australia You can try ginseng, ginkgo biloba, or L-arginine to serve the purpose. The sexual response cycle has four phases, viagra without prescription usa such as plateau, excitement, orgasm and resolution. In the event the cancer is found from the prostate gland and deemed sluggish increasing, some physicians may possibly advocate a conservative strategy of “watchful waiting around.” In the course of this time, the viagra from canadian pharmacies individual will receive no treatment, nevertheless the medical professional will closely monitor the measurement and expansion with the tumor and treatments undertaken. These give us new impetus for action. If we allow Gospel values to infuse our lives we WILL transform society. ” 

CCSJ is one of 18 Departments in the Archdiocese. Its work is located within the overall framework of the Archdiocese.  In 2011, CCSJ’s work was guided to a large extent by the three interlocking/inseparable Pastoral Priorities and Resolutions emanating from the Third sitting of Synod in 2009: The New Evangelization, Revitalizing Catholic Culture and Identity, and Regenerating the Moral and Spiritual Values of our Society.
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