
Sir Ellis Clarke Memorial Conference: Feature address

Main resources:

Justice in the World

World Synod of Catholic Bishops 1971


Day of Peace 1972

Report on statements and events. Vatican City, 1972


Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Vatican City, 2004


Justice and Peace. An ever present challenge.

Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Vatican City, 2004


Caritas in Veritate

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Benedict XVI, 2009


The Church and Human Rights

Working paper No.1 Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. 2nd edition 2011


Men and women for others. Education for social justice and social action today

Pedro Arrupe S.J. Valencia, 1973


Catholic Social Teaching. Our best kept secret.

Center of Concern. Washington, 1998


1971 Synod of Bishops Justice in the World.

Critical comments selected by Gerald Darring. Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama, 2008


1971 Synod of Bishops Justice in the World

A summary article by Gerald Darring. Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama, 2008


On Catholic Social Teaching: Justitia in Mundo

D.W. Horstkoetter, 2009


Justice in the World, 40 years later

Fr. Rocco Puopolo in the Jan-March  2011 edition of Around Africa


Blocks for Building a More Just Society

Peter K.A. Cardinal Turkson. Pontificia Universitas Antonianum, Rome, 18 January 2011



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