
Congratulations to two good and faithful servants

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ
by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ

It is important for us to remember that we are all baptised to be prophets, priests and kings and that like Jesus we fulfil our prophetic ministry, not simply by what we say but much more by the ways in which we remind those around us that the forces of evil will not triumph, that God indeed has the last word.” (Coadjutor Archbishop, Joseph Harris, Sunday Reflection, June 6, 2010).

On behalf of CCSJ, I would like to congratulate Fr Joe Harris CSSp. and Msgr Jason Gordon on their appointments as Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain and Bishop of the dioceses of Bridgetown, Barbados and of Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines respectively.As we said in our media release: “They both fit the description outlined by Pope John Paul II when he said: “We need heralds of the Gospel who are experts in humanity, who know the depths of the human heart, who can share the joys, the hopes, the agonies, the distress of people today, but who are, at the same time, contemplatives who have fallen in love with God.

“We will keep you in our prayers as you both continue your work in the Lord’s vineyard. May the Holy Spirit fill you with even more wisdom and grace and may God walk with you on your pilgrimage. We know that you both possess the three essential episcopal characteristics as outlined by Pope Benedict XVI: fidelity, prudence, and goodness.”

Coadjutor Archbishop-elect Fr Joseph Harris
Coadjutor Archbishop-elect Fr Joseph Harris

For some time CCSJ has been uploading Fr Joe’s weekly homilies on our website to share with the world the gift that Fr Joe has of addressing justice issues in a way that motivates one to come out of his/her comfort zone and act.

It was Fr Joe and Msgr Jason who readily agreed to lead CCSJ’s recent retreat. Archbishop Edward Gilbert, CSsR, joined us for part of the day – on his day off. As the sun filled the room, I remember thinking how blessed we are to have such outstanding, deeply spiritual priests in T&T.

Msgr Jason reminded us during that retreat that no matter how we tried to run away from our true vocation, we would find ourselves coming back to it. This calls to mind God’s words to Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I consecrated you. I have appointed you as prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5) and in Isaiah 49:1: “…The Lord has called me from the womb…

God knows the plans He has for all of us. Working with Archbishop Gilbert, as our Shepherd, and with Msgr Jason and Fr Joe on the Synod Implementation Team over the past few years has taught me a great deal. I thank His Grace, in particular, for his leadership.

Our AEC Bishops will be strengthened by the presence of Fr Joe and Msgr Jason – two visionary, servant leaders who see where aspects of our culture are leading us, and who are not afraid to take bold steps, where necessary to transform society.

When a journalist from a daily newspaper rang me asking if I thought that Fr Joe and Msgr Jason were appointed because they supported the Catholic Carnival band last year, my first reaction was: “Does the media intend to squeeze some bacchanal out of this joyous news?” Part of the media conference held at Archbishop’s House, focussed on the Carnival band.

Bishop-elect Msgr Jason Gordon
Bishop-elect Msgr Jason Gordon

From the start, CCSJ supported Fr Joe and Msgr Jason in the positive stance they took on the band. God does not expect us to abandon the world but to help transform it so that it will reflect Gospel values. As Fr Joe, said to the media, we have a duty to “evangelise the culture”. The Church cannot sit idly by and watch as the morals and values of our society/world fall deeper and deeper into an abyss of immorality and decadence. If we Catholics are to become who we are; if we are to let our Catholic culture and identity shine amidst the darkness that threatens to overwhelm us, then, like these two faithful men, we must do as Jesus would do and seek to build the common good.

Our dear Fr Joe and Msgr Jason, CCSJ members pray that you will both continue to be rocks of spiritual strength to all of us in the region. Our prayers go with you as you journey on.

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