
Farewell to a great Statesman

CCSJ Chair Leela Ramdeen and former President Sir Ellis Clarke.
CCSJ Chair Leela Ramdeen and former President Sir Ellis Clarke.

by Leela Ramdeen

On Sir Ellis’ 92 birthday in 2009, I joined others at his home to mark the occasion. The following are some of the words I wrote in his birthday card: “We are all so blessed to have you as a son of our soil in Trinidad and Tobago. Can you imagine what we would have lost if God had placed you in another part of the world? We thank God for the miracle that is YOU. You are just where God wants you to be.”

One year on, we now say farewell to this great Statesman. When I was planning “Respect for Life Week” in 2010, I approached Sir Ellis and asked if he would be our feature speaker at a Seminar. CCSJ had planned to launch the week on Sunday 26 September with an Interfaith Service. Sir Ellis suggested that since 24 September was Republic Day, perhaps we should organize the Seminar to take place on that day.

Because of the significant role that Sir Ellis had played in TT over the years, I believed that more people needed to sit at his feet and listen to his words of wisdom. We agreed that the theme of the Seminar would be: Our people, our land: Journey to becoming a Republic.

The Seminar was held at Living Waters Community, Frederick Street. I know that those who attended benefitted immensely from his presentation and from our interaction with him. I recall Barbara Salandy saying to me after the session: “We need to draw on Sir Ellis’ expertise a lot more.” I asked him if he would be prepared to support similar initiatives in the future and he willingly agreed.

The Seminar was aired on TCN (Channel 10). The following is an extract from my introduction to Sir Ellis as our feature speaker at the Seminar:

“On 31 Aug we celebrated our 48th anniversary of Independence (1962). 14 years later, on August 1, 1976, TT defined itself as a free sovereign Republic…On this happy occasion, our 34th Anniversary as a Republic, I have great pleasure in extending warm greetings and best wishes to all of you as we come together to sit at the feet of one of our icons – Sir Ellis Clarke TC GCMG (born 28 December 1917), who will speak to us about our journey to becoming a Republic.

“When we reflect on the significant role that Sir Ellis has played in the development of our country, we realize that we can have no better speaker this afternoon than he. Indeed, it is because of people like him that we gained our Independence in 1962 and Republican status in 1976… as we celebrate our achievements, let us not forget the great debt of gratitude that we owe to Sir Ellis for his invaluable contribution to our nation’s development.
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“We express our gratitude to you, Sir Ellis, for the part you played in leading us from Colonial rule to self-rule/self-determination, for drafting our 1962 Constitution and for the distinguished and significant contribution you continue to make to the development of our blessed T&T.

“We recognize that it is your deep abiding faith in God that has enabled you to achieve your goals. The potter has truly moulded you in a special way. You stand as a beacon of light, a role model to those who hold public office. We thank you for your continued selfless service to TT and to the world. You are truly a man of vision who has the capacity to see the bigger picture.

“In your various roles you have always radiated an unfailing commitment and devotion to duty e.g. as a brilliant lawyer, Solicitor General, Attorney General, Ambassador to Washington and Mexico and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Governor General, the first President of the Republic of TT (1976), and an adviser to the Government on Constitutional issues.

“The words of the American poet and educator, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, are apt at this time.  Longfellow rightly said: “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night”.

“If you check Sir Ellis’ bio data on Wikipedia, you will realize how much he has been toiling over the years and what great heights he has achieved – while many of us were asleep. You are indeed an inspiration to all of us…”

In 1987 Ramdath Jagessar stated in the Guardian that when asked during an interview to make his own epitaph, Sir Ellis responded: ““Upon him was greatness thrust, he bore it well.”

I urge our leaders to find some appropriate way(s) of honouring Sir Ellis so that he will live on in our hearts as an icon; a patriot; a man of great wisdom, firm principles, integrity, judgement and character; a man who personified dignity, dedication, discipline and humility.

Dear Sir Ellis, we celebrate your life and commend you into God’s care. You have toiled long in His vineyard. Rest in peace. CCSJ extend our heartfelt sympathy to Sir Ellis’ family. Let us take comfort in knowing that “The souls of the righteous are in the hands of God” (Book of Wisdom).

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