
Cleaning Up The Mess…

Cleaning Up The Mess
Cleaning Up The Mess

…For those of you who have been following us, we have come a long way. In the last three months we’ve covered a lot of ground.  We discovered that we are among the most polluted small island states in the world. We discovered that little can be done about flooding since because our drainage system is over forty years out of date and falling apart. We discovered that in the absence of recycling laws, we dump over 50 million plastic bottles every month. Where the impotence that is the inability viagra generico 5mg to have erection in man during sexual intercourse is referred as the essential one is Sildenafil citrate. So if you have any sexual disorders then you can viagra generika visit either local drugstore or you can go online. This is so thoughtful of the viagra online price corrupter. Although Kamagra is manufactured in tablets and soft tablets, the generic overnight viagra medicine is available at any authorised pharmaceutical store. When these are exposed to heat, they produce among the most toxic substances that exist. We discovered that there have been calls to shut down two of our five dumps because they are filled to capacity and unhygienic. We discovered that the dumps could be polluting our water and our produce and contributing to rising cancer rates and asthma…. read more

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