
Leela says goodbye

On March 1, 2006 the staff at Archbishop’s House bade farewell to Leela Ramdeen whose three-year term as chairperson of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice had come to an end by her own hard taken decision, after forming and structuring the Commission and putting it in motion.

Ms Ramdeen had interacted with many staffers at Archbishop’s House, as the secretariat’s office for the Social Justice Commission is located there. The Commission said farewell to Ms Ramdeen at its AGM held on Feb 18.

In a letter to the outgoing chairperson of the CCSJ, Archbishop Gilbert thanked Ms Ramdeen for “the energy you have brought to the Commission over the last three years” and expressed his “profound respect for the passion you have for Social Justice”. He admitted his difficulty in accepting her resignation but stated: “However, as I have come to know you over the last three years, I understand your resignation has been submitted for good reasons.”

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We thank her too for her contributions to this newspaper and her cooperation and collaboration in providing timely news releases and articles through which the Catholic community could be kept abreast of the work of the Social Justice Commission.

We wish her well for the future as she goes back to lecturing internationally.

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